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Fly Infestation: All 9Topic Causing Your Fly Infestation

Fly Infestation: All 9Topic Causing Your Fly Infestation

Fly Infestation: All 9Topic Causing Your Fly Infestation

Flies are often portrayed as mild nuisances, something you mindlessly swat away when they buzz around your head. They fly inside as soon as you open a door or window and zip around the house looking for food or a good place to land. And as soon you swipe at one with a fly swatter, they seem to disappear. But flies are more than just an irritation; they can also be dangerous to human and animal health. This realization begs the question, what attracts flies? Discover why flies are infesting your home and property, including some quick tips on getting rid of them.You Take Immediately action on fly infestation.

How do you know if you have a fly infestation? Look for these common signs.

What Attracts Flies in the House?

Fly Infestation are nuisance pests often associated with filth.

Flies are attracted to organic matter and filth. Here are some of the most common reasons a fly will be attracted to your home.

Are House Flies Pests?

Flies pick up bacteria, viruses, diseases, and fungi. And can spread them to humans and pets just by landing on a common household surface.

Flies are one of the most common pests around the world. There are hundreds of thousands of fly species, and they inhabit every continent on Earth, including Antarctica. They are considered nuisance pests and are often associated with filth. Unfortunately, flies hanging around garbage, feces, and decaying flesh is a rather accurate depiction of these flying insects. And like many insects, they can easily infest homes once they find a food and water source. And they reproduce quickly, leading to a full-blown infestation if not caught early.

What Attracts Flies Outside?

Fly Infestation are nuisance pests often associated with filth.

Most of what attracts flies inside is also what attracts them outside.

What Attracts Flies to Get Rid of Them?

Flies pick up bacteria, viruses, diseases, and fungi. And can spread them to humans and pets just by landing on a common household surface.

Flies like sugary liquids, such as juice, soda, wine, and apple cider vinegar. Some people make a concoction using one of these drinks to attract flies and trap them. For instance, you can place apple cider vinegar mixed with a few drops of dish soap in a glass, secure the top with plastic wrap, and poke a few holes in the top for them to fly through. You can also mix cayenne pepper with water and spray it around your home.

To keep them away, try using lavender, peppermint, lemongrass, eucalyptus, mint, rosemary, and citronella.

How To Get Rid of Flies in the House

The best way to get rid of flies is to remove what is attracting them. Ensure no trash or rotten food is laying around, and inspect crawl spaces and attics for decaying animals that might have snuck inside. Then, seal all the entrances to keep them from coming in.

To get rid of the ones inside, you can set traps, like fly paper and natural baits. You can also lure them outside with light. Or just take a swatter and do it the old-fashioned way. And if all else fails, use an insecticide or call a professional

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